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Sheffield City Council tenant John Kite stars in BBC feature celebrating 100 years of council housing 11/07/2019 Labelled as Tenants

ARCH Tenants Group member and Sheffield City Council tenant representative, John Kite featured in a BBC news programme celebrating 100 years of council housing.


The programme aired on both BBC Breakfast and on BBC News and reported from Sheffield on 100 years of council housing.


Click here to see the video and hear what John had to say about being a council tenant.


ARCH Chief Executive John Bibby comments:


"It is great to see the national media picking up on the campaign that ARCH has led to mark the centenary of the Addison Act and 100 years of council housing. John is a valued member of the ARCH Tenants' Group and on behalf of the ARCH Board and the ARCH Tenants Group and council tenants generally I'd like to thank John for being such an excellent advocate of council housing 100 years on from the Addison Act."

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